Back from a lunch break. David Warlick is doing a Second Life demo right now. I first explored SL in November with IntelliGirl Sara Robbins. So many possibilities for forming or joining collaborative communities in SL, although I agree with Dave that we need a SL designed for just for kids.
Moving on to search engines...Google can find blogs fast, but blogpulse is even faster. Trend search feature if very cool! If you type in NECC07, for instance, you'll see a burst of activity starting yesterday.
RSS feeds - Dave Winer invented this tool to allow people to stay on top of information. Professional Watch picks up when others have included you in a post, without using trackback, and is "drag 'n droppable." Mac platform only :-( With aggregators - and Web 2.0 - we're training information to find us. Advantage of Bloglines web-based aggregator is that you can pull it up anywhere, which can be a problem with browser-based readers. For Web 1.0 (static pages), you can use Google Alerts to see if a site has been updated. Besides Google Reader and Bloglines, we looked at NetVibes, which can turn your aggregator almost into a newspaper. Pageflakes is a new aggregator that promises to be a drag & drop/design your own program, due to their just receiving a ton of money. Love Pageflakes!!!
We're having some "play time" right now, so I'm heading off to Dave's Nuggets page on the wiki.
Del.icio.us hint: to find someone's delicious account, add their name after delicious, e.g., http://del.icio.us/gailhd. Note: RSS tag is at bottom of delicious, which allows fast way to subscribe to other people's tag-specific sites.
Podcasts: slapcast.com is a cheap ($5 per month) site for storing podcasts and uploads to your blog with a flash player. Podcast Pickle is another, along with DivShare. To make a podcast subscribable, try Podomatic or Feedburner.com. From iTunes, click on submit a podcast. Feedburner allows you to paste in the URL of your current podcast. It "cooks" it to make it compatible with iTunes.
Dave's closing thoughts: "Blogging has made me a much better writing because I constantly practice writing."
Image: "Tim Wilson's Flickr page." TimWilson. 24 June 2007. NECC. 24 Jun 2007
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